Water Treatment (Small Scale)
PROBLEM: Wastewater is common Environmental Challenge at the modern societies and communities. Most of the times, the wastewater is disposed at the Rivers and Oceans. This common behavior create an Environmental Problem from All, as the Waters are polluted and the sea life is affected.
VISION: We believe that the Water is Resource, even if it is used and we have to treat it with proper way, as the Cleaned water to be able to be used at the farms, for irrigation and other human activities.
SOLUTION: With portable, small scale systems
Technologies we work:
E-Z Treat specializes in EPA recommended designs for recirculating sand/media filters directly with our patented E-Z Treat Recirculating Sand Filter Wastewater treatment system. Designed to handle flows of 100 to 100,000 GPD, our systems are easy to install, maintain, energy efficient, and manufactured with environmentally friendly, recyclable materials.
Totally portable and easily installed
Installation Process
Α-3 USA Wastewater treatment plants, using membrane systems. We serve small scale communities, islands for Municipal needs, as well as industrial applications
Strategic Partner: